

The Actual Origin of SARS-CoV-2

posted: March 22, 2025

tl;dr: The paper that should have been published in March 2020 instead of The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2...

By: Drs. Anthony Fauci?, NIAID; Francis Collins?, NIH; and Jeremy Farrar?, Wellcome Trust

As told to: Chris Shaver

It was a lab leak, from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Score another win for Occam’s razor, which says that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one.

That is why the virus is so optimized for human transmission and has caused a worldwide pandemic in a matter of months from its first appearance in the human population. Serial passage in ACE-2 transgenic mice optimized the virus to infect human lung cells. That is also why we can confidently state that an intermediate host from China’s wild animal trade will never be found. The trade route that non-existent animal took to Wuhan from where bats that harbor SARS viruses are prevalent also will never be found. The precursor virus will never be found in nature, as it was assembled in the lab.

The theory that the virus originated at the Hunan Seafood Market is a ruse to allow the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to deny culpability. The CCP has been busy destroying samples, documents, and all other evidence of the experiments. Scientists who know what happened have been silenced; the CCP does not fool around. What political party would admit to developing a pandemic-inducing virus? Doing so could bring down the downfall of that party.

NIH, NIAID, and Wellcome Trust are partially responsible for SARS-CoV-2. We funded gain-of-function projects which had the effect of transferring the chimeric virus assembly technology from Dr. Ralph Baric’s lab at the University of North Carolina to WIV. EcoHealth Alliance was the intermediary. The projects trained the personnel at WIV on how to create new viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, the first SARS coronavirus ever with a Furin Cleavage Site.

NIH, NIAID, and Wellcome Trust did not fund the actual project to create SARS-CoV-2. There was a proposal to do so called DEFUSE, from EcoHealth Alliance, WIV, and Dr. Ralph Baric. DEFUSE was not funded. However by 2018 WIV did not need U.S. funding nor expertise to proceed with assembling their own chimeric SARS viruses. Dr. Shi Zhengli and her team learned well.

An email thread between Anthony Fauci, Froncis Collins, and Jeremy Farrar

Fauci, Collins, and Farrar know the true intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2: ACE-2 transgenic mice

We believe that the release of SARS-CoV-2 was an accident, not intentional. Safety practices at WIV are widely known to be subpar, and much of the work was conducted at BSL-2, not in the BSL-4 lab at WIV which has received so much publicity. Even though we supplied the technology, we are not responsible for safety practices at a Chinese national lab. Sorry, that’s just the way international research is conducted.

WIV is the China’s premier bioweapons and biodefense laboratory for now, although they plan to construct others. Distinguishing between bioweapons development and biodefense is a distinction without a difference. It all depends on what the intended use of the deadly manmade virus is now or in the future. Every country developing this technology can claim they are only doing so to develop defenses against possible bioweapons being developed by adversaries. This creates the perfect excuse for a bioweapons arms race to start and persist.

Why did we provide WIV scientists with the Baric technology? China already possessed nuclear weapons and hence already had the ability to destroy the world, so what difference does another methodology make? China was a member of the World Trade Organization, and western democracies were trying to stimulate China’s development with the hope that someday the Chinese Communist Party would be replaced with a western-style democracy. We doctors may not be not the best at forecasting political events in the future, but we proceeded with the full knowledge and approval of defense and intelligence agencies in the west.

The bioweapons arms race is to the 21st century what the nuclear arms race was to the 20th century. Perhaps weaponized Artificial Intelligence will someday surpass bioweapons, but that remains to be demonstrated. Consider this a challenge to the computer science community. For now, virologists can rightfully claim the title of “Death, Destroyer of Worlds”. Sorry Oppenheimer, but your time has passed.

The rewards for countries to pursue bioweapons development are simply too great to ever stop this race. Any country that develops a bioweapon capable of causing a deadly pandemic will ensure its ultimate survival through the principle of Mutually Assured Destruction. When faced with an existential threat, said country can threaten to release the bioweapon and destroy human civilization.

The infected fatality rate (IFR) does not even need to be that high. SARS-CoV-2 has an IFR of less than 1%, yet it will massively disrupt economies and other human activity, causing widespread death, financial losses, and misery. Scientists estimate that an IFR of 10% would knock our interconnected civilization back several hundred years in time. An IFR of 50% would likely return human beings to a Stone Age way of life.

Bioweapons developers continue to refine the technology to achieve the Holy Grail: a bioweapon, perhaps coupled with a vaccine, that can be selectively deployed against an enemy while leaving the country that releases the bioweapon relatively untouched. Yet this is very hard to achieve. Our fellow inhabitants of planet Earth need to realize that bioweapons development will continue, and there will be more accidents in the future. The genie is out of the bottle, there is no stopping it now.

Related post: The next pandemic

Related post: Parsing Francis Collins’s comments on what happened in Wuhan, part one