This is where I will be posting public content from my professional life as well as aspects of my personal life and hobbies. After 30 years of developing products and software systems for the Internet, I am finally starting to put a bit more public information on the Internet. As with nearly everything else on the Internet, this is very much a work in progress.
tl;dr: Did FDR’s policies prolong the Great Depression?...
During times of crisis, most people want to see the government take action. My favorite advice in life, “Don’t Panic!”, gets tossed out the window. Further impetus for doing so is provided by the adage “never let a crisis go to waste”, a version of which is attributed to ex-Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel. When civic life is in apparent disarray those with novel ideas have the perfect opportunity to foist them upon a public desperate for solutions, any solutions. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) took strong actions during the Great Depression, and the same was done by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, most of the public was happy to see the government act even though freedoms were sacrificed. But did the government actions ultimately work, and improve the lives of the people?...
Site authored by me, using a text editor (see source for more details)